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6 Inspiring Books to Light Your Motivational Fire

Are you looking for a motivational book to help make this year amazing? I’m sharing a great list for you today! I recently told you the story of how I missed out on a free $20, and I mentioned how motivated I felt from reading the book Major In Success by Patrick Combs. I did a lot of reading then, but it was all books assigned by professors. Of all my college and grad school reads, I only clearly recall two other titles, How To Win Friends and Influence People— a classic business book by Dale Carnegie that really is applicable for every person anywhere (there’s an updated version for the digital world we live in now that Inread last year), and The Power Of Bliss by Joseph Campbell, which is one of those books that left me feeling changed after reading. That’s not to say nothing else I read in school was good. There were loads of art therapy and psychology books that were incredible, but these three titles have etched into my brain. And I think when that happens, it’s my duty to share them with you. Maybe they’ll put a special spark into you, as well.

These days, I aim to read at least 40 books per year, and it’s a mix of fun fiction, mystery, art, and business. Books are like cities to me— so many great ones, and not enough time to visit them all in one lifetime. So I try to explore as much as I can. It is my pleasure to share my very favorites with you, and today, I’ve got a list of six (actually 8) books that will motivate and inspire you to get going with whatever it is you hold in your heart—perhaps that goal we talked about in my last e-mail. (If you missed my New Years Eve email, you can access my goal-planning worksheet here.)

  1. Leading An Inspired Life In 2019, I discovered this book by Jim Rohn. It was the first book I read that year (I know because that was the year I tried bullet journaling and began keeping a list of everything I read), and later in the year, I listened to the audiobook, The Day That Turns Your Life Around, which is another of his I recommend. Mr. Rohn is gifted in sharing his story and getting us eager to achieve big things. He speaks on finances and long-term success.

  2. Creating Space To Thrive by Courtney Kenney is an easy read that reminds of the importance of creativity in our lives and helps break that stigma that spending time on it is selfish. I am a firm believer in living life meaningfully—work to live, rather than live to work. This book supports that and can help you break out of the rat race, even if you aren’t an artist.

  3. You Are A Badass Everyday by Jen Sincero is a must-read. I wasn’t a fan of the trendy Girl Was Your Face everyone was reading a couple years ago by Rachel Hollis, and so I wasn’t sure what to expect from this similar-sounding title by Jen Sincero. But I loved it! I went on to read her other books and jotted down so many good quotes and tidbits. Sincero cuts through a lot of the BS we tell ourselves that holds us back. I appreciate her blunt wisdom.

  4. Do The Work and The War of Art by Steven Pressfield are both quick, punchy reads that are excellent for an artist or writer but easily applicable for anyone feeling resistance in life. We often know deep down what we need to do, but we are masters of putting everything else in the way. These books are worthy weekend-reads—no excuses!

  5. Essentialism by Greg McKeown presents one of those almost extreme ideas that makes perfect sense. McKeown points out that when we focus ourselves on the most important things, we can let go of the rest and be better at what really matters, whether this is a job, hobby, relationship, etc. If you ever feel like you’re running in five directions at once, this book is for you.

  6. Free To Focus by Michael Hyatt ties right in with the above. As my final read of 2020, it left me feeling clearer about how to start the new year. This book provides actionable ways to be more productive by actually doing less.

With any of these reads, you’ll be ready to take on 2021 and make the most of this fresh year. I’ll leave you with a few of my favorite motivational quotes to feed that flame of yours. Write them down, pin them to your Pinterest boards, print them out… use them to remind yourself that this is the life you get to create.

Please don’t be shy in telling me if you’ve read any of these books, and be sure to share your favorite motivational books and quotes that aren’t on this list! I’m looking for new ones for 2021.

Until next time,


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